English Vocabulary Synonym Quiz

1) Synonym for Presbyopia   ?
  1. Short sighted
  2. night blind
  3. far sighted
  4. color blind
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Answer =C
2) Synonym for Spasmodic?
  1. Greedy
  2. Parsimonious
  3. Convulsive
  4. Eclipse
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Answer =C
3) Synonym for Toxic ?
  1. Queer
  2. Genius
  3. Normal
  4. Sane
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Answer =A
4) Synonym for Eccentric ?
  1. Healty
  2. Pure
  3. Refines
  4. Poisonous
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Answer = D
5) Synonym for Masochistic ?
  1. Very soft spoken
  2. Generous
  3. Helpful
  4. Enjoying cruel treatment inflicted on one self
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Answer = D
6) Synonym for Antiseptic ?
  1. Poisonous
  2. Filter
  3. Germ Killing
  4. Septic
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Answer = C
7) Synonym for Sadistic ?
  1. Love
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Defiance
  4. Love of inflicting pain
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Answer = D
8) Synonym for Aesthetic ?
  1. Fond of beauty
  2. Hater of beauty
  3. Coward
  4. Malign
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Answer = A
9) Synonym for Enigmatic ?
  1. Solution
  2. Puzzling
  3. Beautiful
  4. Enchanting
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Answer = B
10) Synonym for Sardonic ?
  1. Cynical
  2. Pessimist
  3. Optimist
  4. Atheist
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Answer =A

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Anonymous said...

Options for question no. 3 and 4 should be exchanged. Thanx!

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