Following are the multiple choice question on Computer Network related concepts that are useful for the competitive exams like UGC-NET Exam, TET Exams etc.
1) Manchester code is a ?
Tags : Computer Networks multiple choice questions with answers, Objective type questions on computer networks with answers, networking MCQ's, Computer network mcqs, UGC-NET exam preparation, TET exams preparation, multiple choice questions on computer networks , Teacher eligibility test, TET Exams preparation.1) Manchester code is a ?
- Bi- Polar code
- non return to zero code
- polar code
- B and C
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Answer = D
Explanation:No Explanation
2) How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard ? Explanation:No Explanation
- three
- two
- seven
- six
- None of above
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Answer = A
Explanation:The three layer are : Physical, Data Link, Network.
3) The receive equalizer reduce delay distortions using ? Explanation:The three layer are : Physical, Data Link, Network.
- tapped delay lines
- gearshift
- descrambler
- difference engine
- None of above
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Answer = A
Explanation: No Explanation
4) In communication satellite, multiple repeaters are known as ? Explanation: No Explanation
- detector
- modulator
- stations
- transponders
- None of above
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Answer = D
Explanation: A communications satellite's transponder, is the series of interconnected units which form a communications channel between the receiving and the transmitting antennas.
5) In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsibilities of ? Explanation: A communications satellite's transponder, is the series of interconnected units which form a communications channel between the receiving and the transmitting antennas.
- Session layer
- network layer
- transport layer
- Data link layer
- None of above
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Answer = A
Explanation: No Explanation
6) The geostationary satellite used for communication system ? Explanation: No Explanation
- rotates with earth
- remains stationery relative to the earth
- is positioned over equator
- All of above
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Answer = D
Explanation: A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period. Such a satellite returns to the same position in the sky after each sidereal day, and over the course of a day traces out a path in the sky that is typically some form of analemma. A special case of geosynchronous satellite is the geostationary satellite, which has a geostationary orbit – a circular geosynchronous orbit directly above the Earth's equator
7) Radio communication frequencies ranges from? Explanation: A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period. Such a satellite returns to the same position in the sky after each sidereal day, and over the course of a day traces out a path in the sky that is typically some form of analemma. A special case of geosynchronous satellite is the geostationary satellite, which has a geostationary orbit – a circular geosynchronous orbit directly above the Earth's equator
- 3 KHz to 300 KHz
- 3 KHz to 300 GHz
- 300 KHz to 3 GHz
- 3 KHz to 3,000 GHz
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Answer = B
Explanation: Radio frequency (RF) is a rate of oscillation in the range of about 3 kHz to 300 GHz, which corresponds to the frequency of radio waves, and the alternating currents which carry radio signals.
8) The frequency ranges from 300 KHz to 3 MHz is used for ? Explanation: Radio frequency (RF) is a rate of oscillation in the range of about 3 kHz to 300 GHz, which corresponds to the frequency of radio waves, and the alternating currents which carry radio signals.
- AM radio transmission
- TV transmission
- FM radio transmission
- Microwave communication, satellite and rader
- None of above
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Answer = A
Explanation: No Explanation
9) Establishing a virtual connection is functionally equivalent to ? Explanation: No Explanation
- Connecting as virtual memory
- Physically connecting a DTE and DCE
- Placing a telephone call prior to a conversation
- Placing a modem prior to a conversation
- None of above
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Answer = C
Explanation: No Explanation
10) Which of the following is a function of e-mail system ? Explanation: No Explanation
- Composition
- Transfer
- Reporting
- All of above
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Answer = D
Explanation: No Explanation
Explanation: No Explanation
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