UGC NET - June 2012 Computer Science Solved Paper 2

Que 1) The postfix expression AB + CD – * can be evaluated using a ?
  1.  stack
  2.  tree
  3.  queue
  4.  linked list

Que 2) The post order traversal of a binary tree is DEBFCA. Find out the preorder traversal ?
  1.  ABFCDE
  2.  ADBFEC
  3.  ABDECF
  4.  None of the above

Que 3)  The branch logic that provides making capabilities in the control unit is known as ?
  1.  Controlled transfer
  2.  Conditional transfer
  3.  Unconditional transfer
  4.  None of the above

Que 4) The number of colours required to properly colour the vertices of every planer graph is ?
  1.  2
  2.  3
  3.  4
  4.  5

Que 5) Networks that use different technologies can be connected by using ?
  1.  Packets
  2.  Switches
  3.  Bridges
  4.  Routers

Que 6)  Both hosts and routers are TCP/IP protocol software. However, routers do not use protocol from all layers. The layer for which protocol software is not needed by a router is ?
  1.  Layer – 5 (Application)
  2.  Layer – 1 (Physical)
  3.  Layer – 3 (Internet)
  4.  Layer – 2 (Network Interface)

Que 7)  In multiuser database if two users wish to update the same record at the same time, they are prevented from doing so by ?
  1.  Jamming
  2.  Password
  3.  Documentation
  4.  Record lock

Que 8)  A binary search tree is a binary tree ?
  1.  All items in the left subtree are less than root
  2.  All items in the right subtree are greater than or equal to the root
  3.  Each subtree is itself a binary search tree
  4.  All of the above

Que 9) What deletes the entire file except the file structure ?
  1.   ERASE
  2.   DELETE
  3.   ZAP  
  4.  PACK

Que 10)  Which command is the fastest among the following ?
  3.   COPY FILE <FILE 1> <FILE 2>

Que 11) B+ tree are preferred to binary tree in Database because ?

  1.   Disk capacity are greater than memory capacities
  2.   Disk access is much slower than memory access  
  3.   Disk data transfer rates are much less than memory data transfer rate
  4.   Disks are more reliable than memory

Que 12) A Transaction Manager is which of the following ?
  1.   Maintains a log of transactions
  2.   Maintains before and after database images
  3.   Maintains appropriate concurrency control
  4.   All of the above

Que 13) Leaves of which of the following trees are at the same level ?
  1.   Binary tree
  2.   B-tree  
  3.   AVL-tree
  4.   Expression tree

Que 14)  Which of the following TCP/IP Internet protocol is diskless machine uses to obtain its IP address from a server ?
  1.  RAP
  2.  RIP
  3.  ARP  
  4.  X.25

Que 15) Decryption and encryption of data are the responsibility of which of the following layer ?
  1.   Physical layer
  2.   Data Link layer
  3.   Presentation layer  
  4.   Session layer
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