UGC NET English Solved Paper 2 Answer Key - June 2012

1) To refer to the unresolvable difficulties a text may open up, Derrida makes use of the term :
  1. aporia
  2. difference
  3. erasure
  4. supplement
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Answer = aporia
2) Who, among the following English playwrights, scripted the film Shakespeare in Love ?
  1. Harold Pinter
  2. Alan Bennett
  3. Caryl Churchill
  4. Tom Stoppard
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Answer = Tom Stoppard
3) Arrange the following in the chronological order :
1. Mary Wollstonecraft�sVindication of the Rights of Women
2. Lyrical Ballads
3. French Revolution
4. Percy�s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry

  1. 4, 3, 1, 2
  2. 3, 2, 1, 2
  3. 1, 2, 4, 3
  4. 2, 1, 3, 4
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Answer = 4, 3, 1, 2
4) Which of the following employs a narrative structure in which the main action is relayed at second hand through an enclosing frame story ?
  1. Sons and Lovers
  2. Ulysses
  3. The Power and the Glory
  4. Heart of Darkness
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Answer = Heart of Darkness
5) The Irish Dramatic Movement was heralded by such figures as
  1. W. B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn
  2. Jonathan Swift and his contemporaries
  3. H. Drummond, Edward Irving and John Ervine
  4. Oscar Wilde and his contemporaries
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Answer = W. B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn
6) Which poem by Chaucer was written on the death of Blanche, Wife of John of Gaunt ?
  1. Troilus and Criseyde
  2. The House of Fame
  3. The Book of Duchess
  4. The Legend of Good Women
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Answer = The Book of Duchess
7) The Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex is the other title of
  1. Gorboduc
  2. Ralph Roister Doister
  3. Damon and Pythias
  4. Lamentable Tragedy
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Answer = Gorboduc
8) Who of the following poets is Australian ?
  1. Austin Clarke
  2. Judith Wright
  3. Edwin Muir
  4. Derek Walcott
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Answer = Judith Wright
9) �He found it [English] brick and left it marble�, remarked one great writer on another. Who were they ?
  1. Milton on Shakespeare
  2. Dryden on Milton
  3. Johnson on Dryden
  4. Jonson on Shakespeare
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Answer = Johnson on Dryden
10) Who, among the following, is a Nobel Laureate ?
  1. Tony Morrison
  2. Seamus Heaney
  3. Ted Hughes
  4. Geoffrey Hill
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Answer = Seamus Heaney

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