1) << Operator is used for ?
- Right Shifting
- Left Shifting
- Bitwise Shifting
- Bitwise Complement
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Answer = B
2) The value that follows the keyword CASE may only be ?
- Constant
- Variable
- Semicolon
- number
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Answer = A
3) The machine registers are sometimes called ?
- Local Variables
- Global Variables
- Accumulators
- Static variable
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Answer = A
4) An array of pointer is same as ?
- pointer to array
- pointer to pointer
- pointer to function
- pointer to structure
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Answer =B
5) scanf( ) function can be used for reading ?
- double character
- single character
- multiple character
- no character
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Answer = C
6) C allows three way transfer of control with the help of ?
- unary operator
- relational operator
- ternary operator
- comparison operator
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Answer =C
7) The statement that transfer control to the beinning of the loop is called ?
- break statement
- exit statement
- continue statement
- goto statement
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Answer = C
8) The number of arguments supplied from the command line, by convention, is known as ?
- arg c
- arg v
- #define
- #include
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Answer = A
9) If an array is used as function argument, the array is passed ?
- by value.
- by reference
- by name
- the array can not be used as function argument
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Answer = B
10) The function fprintf is used in a program ?
- When too many printf calls have been already used in the program.
- In place of printf, since printf uses more memory
- When the output is to be printed on to a file.
- When the type of variables to be printed are not known before.
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Answer = C
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Hello, sir i would like to ask that what is the scope of c programming, what all topics should be covered and it is kinda bothering me … and has anyone studied from this course http://www.wiziq.com/course/2118-learn-how-to-program-in-c-language of c programming language online ?? or tell me any other guidance...
would really appreciate help… and Also i would like to thank for all the information you are providing on c programming.
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