Verbal Reasoning Questions And Answers - Verification Of Truth Of Statement

Following are the questions followed by 4 options but you have to choose one which is the most appropriate one.

1) A newspaper always has ....... ?
  1. Advertisement
  2. News
  3. Editor
  4. Paper
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Answer = B
2) A car always has....... ?
  1. Driver
  2. Bonnet
  3. Dicky
  4. Wheels
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Answer = D
3) A tree always has....... ?
  1. Branches
  2. Leaves
  3. Root
  4. Shadow
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Answer = C
4) All animals have........ ?
  1. Eyes
  2. Four legs
  3. Horns
  4. Instincts
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Answer = D
5) A fan always has....... ?
  1. Switch
  2. Blades
  3. Current
  4. Wire
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Answer = B
6) A man always has......... ?
  1. Teeth
  2. Feet
  3. Eyes
  4. Heart
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Answer = D
7) Cricket always has...... ?
  1. Bat
  2. Pitch
  3. Glove
  4. Pads
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Answer = A
8)  A Train always has...... ?
  1. Engine
  2. Rails
  3. Drivers
  4. Guard
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Answer =A
9) Atmosphere always has....... ?
  1. Oxygen
  2. Air
  3. Germs
  4. Dust
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Answer = B
10) A book always has....... ?
  1. Chapters
  2. Pages
  3. Illustrations
  4. Pictures
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Answer =B

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