Multiple Choice Questions On Data Base Management System - Set 3

Data Base Management System ( DBMS) multiple choice questions and answers are as follows.

1) An unnormalized relation contains values ?
  1. Atomic
  2. Non - Atomic
  3. Classified
  4. None of these
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Answer = C 
Explanation: N/A
2) A relation scheme is said to be in ...... form if the values in the domain of each attribute of the relation are atomic ?
  1. Unnormalized
  2. First Normal
  3. BoyceCODD
  4. None of these
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Answer =  B

3) A second Normal form does not permit ...... dependency between a non prime attribute and the relation key ?
  1. Partial
  2. Multi
  3. Functional
  4. Valued
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Answer =  A

4) A relation scheme is in ..... if it is in the 1NF and if all non prime attributes are fully functionally dependent on the relation key ?
  1. First Normal Form
  2. Second Normal Form
  3. Boyce Codd Normal Form
  4. Fourth Normal Form
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Answer =  D

5) In a Third Normal Form relation, every ......attribute is non - transitively and fully dependent on  the every candidate key ?
  1. Prime
  2. Non Prime
  3. Unique
  4. None of these
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Answer = C 

6)  A generalization of the Boyce Codd Normal form to relation schemes which includes the multivalued dependencies is called ?
  1. Second Normal Form
  2. Third Normal Form
  3. Fourth Normal Form
  4. Fifth Normal Form
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Answer =  D

7) 5 NF is related to ?
  1. Functional dependency
  2. Multivalued dependency
  3. Join dependency
  4. None of these
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Answer =  D

8) Project join Normal form is also referred to as ?
  1. Second Normal Form
  2. Third Normal Form
  3. Fourth Normal Form
  4. Fifth Normal Form
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Answer =  D

9) The compiled form of the definition is known as  ?
  1. Data Dictionary
  2. Directory
  3. System catalog
  4. All of above
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Answer =  B

10) Once a sequence is created, it is documented in the ?
  1. Database
  2. Datatable
  3. Data Dictionary
  4. Data Document
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Answer = C 
Explanation: N/A

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